What a great visit with the women of Alpha Xi! I arrived at the beginning of Greek Week and the women were gearing up to participate in the week's events and win! My visit was short so I was not able to see many events, but I did get to see the Air Bands competition. I have never seen anything like this, but it was bascially a cheerleading competition. Each fraternity and sorority pair had a theme and the overall theme was "what you want to be when you grow up". Delta Gamma, SAE and AGR were doctors and other groups were things like cowboys, rockstars, spies, racecar drivers, etc. It was so neat to see the different routines and performances. Delta Gamma rocked it and placed third!
One of the chapter members took me on a campus tour in her car because it was raining. We made a detour and looked at some enormous houses. It was super fun to get to see Morgantown! Some members of joint CMT took me out to dinner which was delicious!

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