This song was a clear winner for a few reasons. First, it was completed as a "collumnae" event by both Eta Iota collegians and Reno, Nevada alumnae. Second, the lyrics are positive and include many references to Delta Gamma and member education. Lastly, the song is catchy, well written, and has great sound quality! Congratulations!
2nd: "I'm a Delta Gamma at U-T" (I'm a Delta Gamma, I'm a Dee Gee) by Beta Eta Chapter- University of Texas, Austin
2nd: "I'm a Delta Gamma at U-T" (I'm a Delta Gamma, I'm a Dee Gee) by Beta Eta Chapter- University of Texas, Austin
The Delta Gamma's at University of Texas- Austin use this song as a new member education tool! We were blown away by their creativity and ability to include fun into the new member pursuit. We also heard a rumor that this song helped all the new members pass their test!
The original version of this song, "I'm a Delta Gamma at U-T", was re-written for this song contest to better appeal to all Delta Gamma chapters. For original lyrics, email
The original version of this song, "I'm a Delta Gamma at U-T", was re-written for this song contest to better appeal to all Delta Gamma chapters. For original lyrics, email
3rd: "Born a Dee Gee" by Beta Epsilon Chapter- American University
Two members of Beta Epsilon created this re-make barely a month after the song was released in the U.S.! This song includes a catchy beat, easy to sing lyrics, and a positive Delta Gamma message.
Two members of Beta Epsilon created this re-make barely a month after the song was released in the U.S.! This song includes a catchy beat, easy to sing lyrics, and a positive Delta Gamma message.
Alumnae Award:
"I Couldn't Have Done It Without You"- Delta Omega- Morehead State University Alumnae
Delta Gamma Spirit Award:
Eta Omicron Chapter- University of Arkansas, Fort Smith
--Final Categories--
Delta Gamma Fraternity Collegiate Development Consultants are currently hosting a song contest. All Delta Gamma collegiate and alumnae chapters are eligible to submit one song in each category. The song(s) that best represents Delta Gamma’s mission, values and pride in membership, and has premium sound quality, will be selected as the winner. Songs may be submitted by a collegiate chapter, alumnae chapter or association, or as a combination “collumnae” project.
Overall: For songs in any genre or category that best exemplifies Delta Gamma values, member education, and has an overall good appeal to collegians or alumnae.
Ritual/Preference Song: For songs that would make great additions to a preference ceremony, Fraternity ritual, or other special chapter events.
Alumnae Award: For songs best exemplifying alumnae life and/or Delta Gamma tradition. These songs must have been created primarily by alumnae.
Delta Gamma Spirit Award: For chapters with superb Delta Gamma spirit, enthusiasm, and strong support or involvement with the song contest. Winners in this category exemplify the sisterhood of Delta Gamma and show initiative and motivation in Delta Gamma.
Delta Gamma Fraternity Collegiate Development Consultants are currently hosting a song contest. All Delta Gamma collegiate and alumnae chapters are eligible to submit one song in each category. The song(s) that best represents Delta Gamma’s mission, values and pride in membership, and has premium sound quality, will be selected as the winner. Songs may be submitted by a collegiate chapter, alumnae chapter or association, or as a combination “collumnae” project.

This contest will encourage collegiate/alumnae chapters and individual members to live out Delta Gamma’s mission and strategic plan. By working together and studying Delta Gamma’s history, members will “foster high ideals of friendship”, and find an outlet for their “educational and cultural interests.” The project utilizes one of our most practiced rituals, encourages teamwork, and provides an outlet for creative members.
Time limit | Genre | Example | |
1. Original Work | 2-4 minutes | Any | Chapter/individual written lyrics and music. |
2. Delta Gamma Song Re-write | < 60 seconds | Chant, Cheer or song fitting for ritual, recruitment, or events. | “Do I See An Anchor In Your Eye”; “Boom Boom”; “Hey Look Us Over” |
3. Popular Song Re-write | 2-4 minutes | Any | “Sweet Home Delta Gamma” |
Lyrics requirements
o Use of the following words, phrases or concepts will disqualify your entry:
o Swear/Curse words
o “Nationals”
o Lyrics referencing any other fraternity, sorority or campus group (including fraternities or sororities, mascots, nicknames, and symbols).
o Reference to men, boys, fraternity men, etc. (except George Banta)
o Reference to partying, alcohol, etc.
o Recommended lyrics:
o Delta Gamma
o Dee Gee
o Anchor
o Hope
o Hannah
o “Do Good”
o An overall Panhellenic spirit and pride in fraternity/sorority membership.
o Service for Sight
o Bronze, Pink, Blue
o 1873
o “for hope, for strength, for life”
o “Always Anchored, Always Delta Gamma”
o United States and Canada and/or International
o Founded in Oxford, Mississippi
Reminder: *If you are questioning the pronunciation, appropriateness, or other approval of lyrics, feel free to send us written lyrics before you record the song! Please use the above guidelines but most importantly, keep within the spirit of this competition and be Panhellenic.
Submission Guidelines
o Deadline: April 10, 2011. Songs sent after this date may be put onto the song contest CD but will not be eligible for the contest.
- Number of entries: each chapter can submit one song in each of the three song categories.
- *any categories with a small number of submissions will be combined with whatever category is most appropriate.
- Early Release: Do not release or send out song track until the review team has finished judging. We will send a notice when the contest is over.
- Judging: All song reviews will be done by April 17th and the winners will be announced by e-mail.
- Submit to
- Provide in e-mail:
o Attach mp3 or .wav file of song track(s).
§ Title of track: song name.chapter.category number.mp3
§ Example: dggirl.alphaalpha.1.mp3, or dggirl.spokane.1.mp3
o Fill out the following information
§ Main email address:
§ Head contact:
§ List of all members involved:
§ Chapter and School or City/State
§ Song title for all categories you are entering, e.g.:
· song category 1: “DG Girl”
· song category 2: “Anchor Pride”
· song category 3: “Hannah’s Song”
§ Attach word document of song’s lyrics
o Attach a photo of the members involved (optional).
- Submit: send submissions to:
- Deadline is April 10, 2011.
- If you are questioning the pronunciation, appropriateness, or other approval of lyrics, feel free to send us written lyrics before you record the song!
- Delta Gamma song mp3s and lyrics available on myDG at:
- Email with any questions.
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