After spending some time in the East, I was able to revisit the women from Alpha Delta - Oregon right before our break. We had a very busy few days, but much was accomplished. I was able to celebrate Inspiration and Initiation with the chapter. I was also able to meet some amazing alumnae who came to celebrate with us as well. The chapter had held already held elections when I arrived, so I got to meet with all the new officers. The incoming CMT and Honor Board are very excited for their positions and ready to get to work! We had a CMT retreat and an Honor Board retreat where we reviewed some important things and played some fun games.
The regional team coordinated an All-Oregon training which included the women of Alpha Delta - Oregon, Beta Pi - Willamette, and Beta Upsilon - Oregon State, Melissa Cavanaugh: Regional Director, Kari Brown: RCS, Liz Fernbach: CDS, Jackie Gow: RFS, Trish Gow: RCRS, Krista Nelson-Marciano: RHS, and many advisers and alumnae. The training was at Oregon State and it was very successful. The incoming officers seemed to really enjoy the training and found it beneficial. I am so happy I was able to attend!

Some members of the regional team stopped by to see the AD house!

Incoming officers at the training at OSU
