San Diego is BEAUTIFUL and the weather was fantastic during my visit! Paige came to visit me and we went to lunch with previous CDC and RCRS Lindsay Birtcil and EI's ATC, Caroline. It was so nice to see a familiar face and catch up with Paige!

UCSD is home to the Dr. Seuss collection which is stored in Geisel Library (named after Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss). The University has six different colleges and each college has a mini-campus within the main campus. USCD is unique in this way and these mini-campuses make their campus fairly large.

On another part of our tour, the women showed me a graffiti stairwell. This place was amazing! Students can spraypaint in this stairwell whatever and whenever they want. The University's hope was that if students could paint in the stairwell then they wouldn't paint the buildings. It has worked!
The women took me to do lots of other fun things, too. We went to the Balboa park museums, on a hike in Torrey Pines, sight seeing in Del Mar and more. I was very impressed with Epsilon Iota's social awareness program and their sisterhood events. The director of social awareness picks a different topic to focus on each month and gives a presentation to the chapter. Further, she gives reminders to chapter members before big events (i.e. CDC visit, Founders Day, etc.). She awards a DG Diva each week to a member that Does Good with etiquette.
The director of sisterhood has worked hard to plan fun, inexpensive events for the chapter. My favorite thing the director of sisterhood developed was "Anchor Sis Dates". The director of sisterhood pairs two DGs together each week (from different member classes) and they grab lunch, coffee, go to church, etc. What a neat way to facilitate interaction between different member classes!
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