I had the opportunity to tour of one of the four schools funded by the Delta Gamma Foundation! The Delta Gamma School for Children with Visual Impairments in St. Louis was recently completed, and has been such a blessing for families in the area. The director of the program showed me the different materials and imprints that were put on each of the walls so that children could feel their way around the hallways and know which direction they were going in. They have an area outdoors where the child

ren can practice walking down a normal street-they have a parking meter, fire hydrant, street drains, curbs and so much more for the children to feel and practice with. They are simple things that we forget could become obstacles for someone who has a visual impairment. I was truly inspired by the

amazing facilities that have been built and what a gift they have been for children and families in the area. The director also told me they would not be able to do their work without the support of the local collegiate Delta Gamma chapters. The women of Alpha Epsilon are truly doing good as they volunteer at the Delta Gamma Center on a regular basis!
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