I had a wonderful time at Alpha Iota! Vanessa, you come from a wonderful chapter and a wonderful group of women! I received a very warm welcome when I arrived. A group of women took me to eat at The Mont and to see Eat, Pray, Love. I also enjoyed seeing U-sing tryouts and many trips to Classics. Classics is a restaurant, but they are most known for their drinks. They have all kinds of pop and slushies. They even put candy in your drink! I got the OU Crimson and Cream with gummy bears... it was yummy!
Pi Kappa Phi is opening a chapter on OU's campus, so there were three Pi Kap conultants at OU while I was there. It was nice to meet other people doing the same thing we are! We went to lunch one day. It was interesting hearing guys' perspectives on the job.
I also went shopping with Julianne (president), Katie (vp: Foundation) and Natalye (vp: social standards). This was really fun! They talked me in to spending a little too much money, but it was worth it. I got this really cool anchor that I'll have to take a picture of and show you. I don't have a picture right now, and I sent the anchor home because I didn't have room for it.

YAY!!!! So glad you loved it!!!!